Monday, February 28, 2011

february sick

So I tend to get sick a lot, it's not a really good quality I know. But ever since I started COLLEGE LIFE I haven't really gotten sick, except for that one time I got a little bit of my roommates cold but it was very minor and when I almost blacked out which I still have no idea what caused it. So I thought that I would be able to get away with not having to go to the doctors in February. This happy annual trip has been made since I can remember. Every February I would find myself in the good old doctors office getting my dose of drugs, I am talking about medication here. So, since I have had such great luck with not getting sick so far in college I thought that this visit would be a thing of the past. That's when I jinxed myself, seriously though. A few days ago I started feeling a bit wierd but I thought it was nothing and kept on going throughout my day. Then my throat started to feel soar, which was a little stranger but I pushed it out of my mind as I started up the weekend. But no, instead of the weekend being an enjoyable break I was found coughing and taking orange juice, liquid medicine, pills, sprays, and cough drops. To say the least it wasn't too much of a great weekend but at least I have not gone to the doctor in February of 2011, which is a first.

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