Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I am staying in my apartment for another year, well at least that's the plan. My Church leaders have been very excited because of this, and almost every single one of them has come up to me and expressed how glad they are that I am staying. I knew that meant a calling was in my future. After a few weeks of asking if I could met with them we were finally able to schedule an appointment, twice I couldn't make it and once they couldn't. To be quite honest I was, and still am, really thrilled for this new change in COLLEGE LIFE. So... I am now a Sunday school teacher. It's a little bit frightening, since I feel rather young and little in comparison to the people in my ward. However, I am really excited for it and happy about it and just hope that I can do it well.


  1. Good attitude Holly. You'll be fantastic. Remember, teaching the gospel isn't about being some gospel scholar. It's about listening to the spirit and studying the lesson. Mark had that calling in college and he's always said it really helped him become a better presenter and feel more comfortable talking in front of lots of people. You'll do great! Also....... I haven't told anyone except the parentals yet, but I got a new calling too... not officially called yet so don't post anything on facebook or whatnot, but I'm going to be the YW's president. We will help each other get through the stress! :)

  2. You'll both be incredible in your new callings!! Every calling is a chance to learn something new, to stretch and grow. I find that I learn a ton more than the people I serve.
