Thursday, July 28, 2011

living to the fullest

The summer is dwindling down now, only one more month to go till classes start back up again, so I have been trying to live COLLEGE LIFE to the fullest. These are some of the things that I have been doing since getting back from China:
~Sunday game nights
~Celebration fireworks
~Ultimate frisbee
~Night games complete with dark clothes, bandannas, glow sticks, and war paint
~Pool attending
~Late night food/grocery runs
~Quidditch playing for FHE
~Pirate party complete with costume and boat
~Preparing, or watching people preparing, and eating food
~Christmas in July party
~Temple trips
~And just hanging out

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've been busy - packing it all in before school starts again. We need to go out to lunch and catch up! Love you lots!!
